Getting Policy Ready

Through Policy Ready, tailored training opportunities are being developed for governments and public agencies. Policy Ready is working with a range of learning partners to ensure that public sector policy makers are as ready as they can be. All training opportunities involve hands on learning and are informed by Policy Ready’s unique research insights.


If you'd like to discuss training needs or opportunities please connect with us.

Full day and training modules have been delivered on a broad range of topics including:

  • Executive and new public servants digital primer: What is digital and why does it matter for me (and my organization)?

  • Understanding and using digital approaches: user research and user centered design, agile ways of thinking and doing.

  • Enabling Digital: How to think about leadership and culture change in the digital era.

  • Doing Policy design in the digital era: How do we design policies given new tools, techniques, and the pressures of a disruptive context?

  • Policy Capacity for the Digital Era: What is it, how much do you have, and how you can strengthen it.

  • Data analytics 101. Understanding and better using your data

  • Getting digital things done. Strategies and techniques to advance your digital initiatives through departments and the public service